Diverticulosis is a common issue that many people deal with. It often doesn’t cause any symptoms and may not need immediate treatment. However, it is important to make sure you know if you are dealing with diverticulosis because it can lead to another condition known as diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is much more serious and cause complications to occur. If you are dealing with diverticulosis, it’s important that you take steps to ensure that inflammation doesn’t occur and lead to diverticulitis.
Dealing with Diverticulosis
Diverticulosis is the presence of tiny pockets that line the colon. These pockets are known as diverticula and can appear anywhere throughout your colon. Diverticulosis is very common and usually starts occur around the age of 50. It likely won’t come with any symptoms, but it’s important that you know what to avoid if you do have diverticulosis so that you can prevent diverticulitis from occurring.
If you are dealing with symptoms, you might notice that your stomach is tender, you have abdominal cramps, bloating, and constipation. This condition might be spotted during a routine colonoscopy or a test for another issue that you might be dealing with. Diverticulosis doesn’t need any treatment, but your gastroenterologist might recommend making some lifestyle changes as a preventive measure.
Changing your diet to include more fiber can help you manage your diverticulosis. You should be sure to eat more fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, and beans. Try to cut down on red meat and drink plenty of water throughout your day. It’s also important that you’re maintaining your overall health and exercising on a daily basis.
Contact Our Gastroenterologist Today
Make sure that you’re taking all the necessary steps to prevent diverticulitis from developing in your colon. Contact your gastroenterologist to schedule an appointment today and learn more about managing diverticulosis and preventing diverticulitis.